Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Forgotten Hope

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Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Beitrag von Faust »

O, Canada!
Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we have renders of our Canadian player models and of some new weapons for our Normandy Theater of War. Before we show these though we would like to thank everyone who voted for us in the ModDB mod of the year awards. We didn't get as much votes as last year, so we only received an 'honourable mention', but it's still nice to know that we rank among the best mods out there. We would of course also like to congratulate our Battlefield 2 modding colleagues at Project Reality for winning both the ModDB player's choice "Mod of the Year 2008" and the editor's choice "Best Multiplayer Mod".

First up for today's update then are the Canadian playermodels, which are reskins of the British player models shown in our last update. Like the British models they were made by Remdul, based on the British Africa player models by Rad.
Next up are the new weapons. On the allied side we have the M1911A1 .45 Caliber Colt. This pistol was made by Remdul and PointBlank86.
The M1911 Colt was adopted by the US military in 1911, but it was not until 1985 that it was replaced as the standard issue sidearm. Some US military special forces groups still use the M1911 or weapons based on the M1911 today. Over 2 million of these pistols were produced.

Finally we have some German Fallschirmjäger weapons. On the left is the Sauer 38H pistol, made by Seth Soldier and on the right is the Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 (FG42) by PointBlank86.

The Sauer 38H is one of the lesser well-known German pistols of World War 2. Approximately 200,000 of these pistols were produced from 1938 to 1945 and were mainly used in the German Luftwaffe and by police forces. In Forgotten Hope 2 you will mainly see this weapon with Fallschirmjäger and in pilot pickup kits.

The Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 was nowhere near as common as the Sauer 38H, yet it is quite a well-known weapon. Only 7,000 of these rifles were made. Although the name would suggest this weapon entering service in 1942, it wasn't until September 1943 that it was first used. In practice, the FG42 was a disappointment. It's design was too complex with too many moving parts, causing it to jam easily when dirty and it's side-mounted magazine caused a recoil that was hard to control.

That's all for this week, but be sure to come back next time for another update. ... ng=english
Zuletzt geändert von Faust am 05 Mär 2009, 11:18, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Was kümmern den Wolf die Flöhe!
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Re: Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Beitrag von Faust »


Was kümmern den Wolf die Flöhe!
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Re: Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Beitrag von Kölsch »

Auf das Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 bin ich mal gespannt.  :0f:

Re: Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Beitrag von ike »

Wann bauen die endlich mal die Polen rein ?? :0f:
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Re: Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Beitrag von DesertRat40-45 »

Nice weapons as always, however they could put more work on canadian troops. And why dosent NCO or AT gunner wear skin jacket they used to have, i bet you know what i mean. I hope they also will make some Polish soldiers too  :0j:

Greets chaps

Re: Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Beitrag von ike »

Heh, that was the same what i thought - Where are the polish soldiers??
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Re: Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Beitrag von alburdy »

Super Update mal wieder, jetzt fehlen nur noch die Amerikaner-Playermodells und die Deutschen-Reskins.

Ich kann Tulits Brüskierung bei BF-Games bzgl. der Moty nur unterschreiben.

Und ich hoffe inständig auch noch die polnischen Truppen erleben zu können und das an den Gerüchten nichts dran ist, dass eine Weiterführung (Ostfront oder Pazifik) von der Resonanz der Community abhängt.

english translation:
And I still hope imploringly to be able to experience the polish troops and in the rumours nothing is at the fact that a continuation (east front or the pacific) depends on the resonance of the community.
Zuletzt geändert von alburdy am 05 Mär 2009, 17:55, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 23 Feb 2009, 16:13

Re: Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Beitrag von saffetfiliz »

Ich frage mich, wie wird es uniformierten deutschen s

Bevor ich in die Armee sollte ciksa
Zuletzt geändert von saffetfiliz am 06 Mär 2009, 07:40, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Foren Gott
Foren Gott
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Re: Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Beitrag von Faust »

Ich frage mich, wie wird es uniformierten deutschen s


kommt darauf an ob du mit "s"  sanitäter, suffköpfe oder stoßtruppen meinst.

sanitäter heilen, suffköpfe saufen, stoßtruppen stoßen!

ob das mit der version 2.2 anders wird, wird die zukunft weisen.

Was kümmern den Wolf die Flöhe!
Beiträge: 25
Registriert: 23 Feb 2009, 16:13

Re: Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Beitrag von saffetfiliz »

Ich hoffe, dass die Korrektur von Fehlern in den alten Patches
Zuletzt geändert von saffetfiliz am 10 Mär 2009, 15:04, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 35
Registriert: 16 Apr 2009, 19:28

Re: Forgotten Hope News Update: 5th March 2009

Beitrag von Segabet »

also das fallschirmjägergewehr ist in CoH so stark udn ziehlgenau das es beinahe göttlich ist...  :0n: