I would like to join your "Haufen" and this is my official application.
My name is Robert Liebregts aka TaeK, a 32 year old (from the 20th of august) Dutchie (yes they are everywhere) and I have been playing World Of Tanks with some of you guys for some time now. I am a mechanical engineer by school and an IT manager by profession. I live in 's-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch or Hertzogenwald for the germanze) the Netherlands and I have been living there for over 20 years.

Several weeks in the summer I take residence in our families summer home in the smack middle of Hessen (Kirchheim) or go and visit my mother in law (yes married) in Stuttgart (yes I married a german woman).

As an IT nerd by nature my current rig is a AMD Phenom II X6 (1090T) @ 3.6 Ghz; 10 Gig of internal memory, an intel SSD, and a HD 5770 GraKa running the only proper OS MS ever made (windows 7 for the takers), all connected to the interwebz by my 120/10 internet connection.

From the clan I know a few people: Humbug, Grim, Siben, TheTao, Corvi, mr Helmchen (with his deep voice) and I most likely forgot to mention a few but I cannot think of them at this moment. As I said I all know them from WOT, and I think I played FH2 with them once.

Online i currently am pretty "limited" to WOT, BF2, MW2, starcraft (although I like SP more) and some other games but nothing really worth mentioning (although this week I purchased Homefront and will check that out).
I don't have ICQ, but I do have email, please just use my last name @gmail.com.
Hope I can join your community as playing with the crazy crackers I mentioned earlier has been some of the most fun I have had so far and I hope that I can join you guys in some of the other online fun there is to be had.
Please accept my application and we'll be seeing each other on the battlefield.

For a picture I don't want to scare anyone but here goes (I used the same on the WOT forum for the Forgotten hope alliance).
A typical picture of me and my wife in summer ... yes .. eating icecream!
[img width=300]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_ep2RzLc0MrY/TGgCG ... ium%29.JPG[/img]
Fugedaboutit! (me and a friend on my wedding day)
[img width=500]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_ep2RzLc0MrY/TOBGj ... ium%29.jpg[/img]
After walking though the nature for 4 hours in the burning Balinese sun!
[img width=500]http://lh3.ggpht.com/_ep2RzLc0MrY/RzmNI ... ium%29.JPG[/img]