It is ordered and should arrive in the end of this week. But I dont mind because I hope some patches have removed some bugs by then, and some people have made walkthroughts. Because even though I like this game very much I dont want to wander around searching for stuff for hours that was just around the corner . I do have bought it for the PS3 though
some strange bugs are patched, but in genrally the performance problem at the pc plattform is not solved at the moment.
Hmm..... well i loved to walk around, searching for some stuff or killing some bugs :0f: like the rad scorpions..... but i noticed there a lot of them around, yesterday i decide to walk through the desert and killing some of them and suddenly a whole horde runs to me and i must trained my running skills.....
btw. in my opinon its the best rpg on the market... im looking forward to the mmo style of this game...
Zuletzt geändert von Catwisel am 25 Okt 2010, 12:17, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
i am roaming the goodspring vicinity since the very early friday morning hours when steam activation was possible. i loved fallout3, and new vegas seems like a very good sequal.
choose your skillpoints and perks very carefully, because compared to fallout 3, where you could easily max almost all stats, skillpoints have been reduced overall, and the amount of skillpointbooks is only a fifth (50 compared to 250 in FO3). also the number of perks has been reduced because you only get one every two levels.