Hi Leuts
Hab da jüngst einen Tron-Klon namens Armagetron entdeckt.
Das Teil ist um die 7 MB klein, in 3D umgesetzt und unterstützt Internet sowie Lan Multiplayer.
Achtung : Hohe Suchtgefahr !
In den Spieler-Optionen==>Tastenzuweisungen jetzt noch je zwei Tasten für Links und Rechts zuweisen. ( z.B. A,S für Links, D,F für Rechts)
Konsole ggf aktivieren und zuweisen, dann im Game (muss nur der Host) folgende Variablen anpassen ;
cycle_delay 0 (minimale Zeit zwischen zwei Tastenanschlägen)
cycle_accel 30 (Beschleunigung in der Nähe einer Wand)
cycle_rubber 20 (Vorrat an "rubber-time" bzw wie lange man unbeschadet gegen eine Wand fahren kann)
Natürlich kann man die Variablen je nach Grösse der Arena bis zum Exzess "vertunen"
Trifft sich im Tschungel
P.S. Anbei noch weitere Konsolen-Befehle
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_1 Assign this viewport to a player
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_2 Assign this viewport to a player
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_3 Assign this viewport to a player
VIEWPORT_TO_PLAYER_4 Assign this viewport to a player
COLOR_R_4 Cycle and wall color, red component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_G_4 Cycle and wall color, green component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_B_4 Cycle and wall color, blue component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
CAMWOBBLE_4 Lets the internal camera move with your cycle
AUTO_INCAM_4 Automatically switch to internal camera in a maze
FAV_NUM_PER_TEAM_PLAYER_4 The favorite number of players per team for this player
NAME_TEAM_AFTER_PLAYER_4 If set, the team is named after the leading player
SPECTATOR_MODE_4 Sets spectator mode for this player
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_1 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_2 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_3 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_4 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_5 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_6 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_7 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_8 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_9 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_10 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_11 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_4_12 Instant chat available with hotkeys
ALLOW_CAM_4_0 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_1 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_2 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_3 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_4 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_5 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_4_6 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
START_FOV_4 Initial field of vision
START_CAM_4 Initial Camera
CAMCENTER_4 Center internal camera on driving direction
PLAYER_4 Player name
COLOR_R_3 Cycle and wall color, red component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_G_3 Cycle and wall color, green component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_B_3 Cycle and wall color, blue component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
CAMWOBBLE_3 Lets the internal camera move with your cycle
AUTO_INCAM_3 Automatically switch to internal camera in a maze
FAV_NUM_PER_TEAM_PLAYER_3 The favorite number of players per team for this player
NAME_TEAM_AFTER_PLAYER_3 If set, the team is named after the leading player
SPECTATOR_MODE_3 Sets spectator mode for this player
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_1 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_2 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_3 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_4 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_5 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_6 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_7 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_8 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_9 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_10 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_11 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_3_12 Instant chat available with hotkeys
ALLOW_CAM_3_0 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_1 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_2 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_3 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_4 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_5 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_3_6 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
START_FOV_3 Initial field of vision
START_CAM_3 Initial Camera
CAMCENTER_3 Center internal camera on driving direction
PLAYER_3 Player name
COLOR_R_2 Cycle and wall color, red component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_G_2 Cycle and wall color, green component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_B_2 Cycle and wall color, blue component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
CAMWOBBLE_2 Lets the internal camera move with your cycle
AUTO_INCAM_2 Automatically switch to internal camera in a maze
FAV_NUM_PER_TEAM_PLAYER_2 The favorite number of players per team for this player
NAME_TEAM_AFTER_PLAYER_2 If set, the team is named after the leading player
SPECTATOR_MODE_2 Sets spectator mode for this player
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_1 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_2 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_3 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_4 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_5 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_6 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_7 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_8 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_9 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_10 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_11 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_2_12 Instant chat available with hotkeys
ALLOW_CAM_2_0 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_1 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_2 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_3 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_4 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_5 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_2_6 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
START_FOV_2 Initial field of vision
START_CAM_2 Initial Camera
CAMCENTER_2 Center internal camera on driving direction
PLAYER_2 Player name
COLOR_R_1 Cycle and wall color, red component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_G_1 Cycle and wall color, green component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
COLOR_B_1 Cycle and wall color, blue component. Changing it during a game directly is unsupported ( But activating the ingame menu helps ).
CAMWOBBLE_1 Lets the internal camera move with your cycle
AUTO_INCAM_1 Automatically switch to internal camera in a maze
FAV_NUM_PER_TEAM_PLAYER_1 The favorite number of players per team for this player
NAME_TEAM_AFTER_PLAYER_1 If set, the team is named after the leading player
SPECTATOR_MODE_1 Sets spectator mode for this player
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_1 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_2 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_3 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_4 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_5 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_6 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_7 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_8 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_9 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_10 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_11 Instant chat available with hotkeys
INSTANT_CHAT_STRING_1_12 Instant chat available with hotkeys
ALLOW_CAM_1_0 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_1 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_2 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_3 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_4 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_5 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
ALLOW_CAM_1_6 Allow/forbid the different camera modes
START_FOV_1 Initial field of vision
START_CAM_1 Initial Camera
CAMCENTER_1 Center internal camera on driving direction
PLAYER_1 Player name
FLOOR_BLUE Floor color
FLOOR_GREEN Floor color
FLOOR_RED Floor color
GRID_SIZE_MOVIEPACK distance between gridlines when moviepack is active
GRID_SIZE distance between gridlines
MOVIEPACK_WALL_STRETCH The distance of the vertical lines on the moviepack walls
FADEOUT_NAME_DELAY Time the player names are shown. Set to 0 if you don't want to show them at all or -1 if you want to show them always.
SHOW_OWN_NAME Should your own name be shown above your cycle, too?
SCORE_SUICIDE What you get for stupidly dying
SCORE_KILL What you get for killing someone
SCORE_DIE What you get for dying
lug du num
CYCLE_PING_RUBBER Additional niceness for high ping players
CYCLE_RUBBER Niceness factor to allow you drive really close to a wall
CYCLE_BRAKE Brake intensity
CYCLE_SOUND_SPEED Sound speed divisor
CYCLE_WALL_NEAR Maximum accelerating wall distance
CYCLE_ACCEL_OFFSET Minimum numeric wall distance
CYCLE_ACCEL Wall acceleration factor
CYCLE_DELAY Minimum time between turns
CYCLE_START_SPEED Initial cycle speed
CYCLE_SPEED Basic speed of your cycle if you drive straight and not close to walls
CYCLE_BRAKE_DEPLETE Rate at which the brake reservoir depletes when you are braking
CYCLE_BRAKE_REFILL Rate at which the brake reservoir refills when you are not braking
REAL_CYCLE_SPEED_FACTOR The currently active cycle speed multiplier. Leave it alone; change speed_factor instead.
START_NEW_MATCH Initiates a new match
PING_CHARITY how much ping are you willing to take over from your opponent?
MAX_IN_RATE maximum network input rate
MAX_OUT_RATE maximum network output rate
CUSTOM_SERVER_NAME name of the server to connect to
LADDER_GAIN_EXTRA Ping dependent ladder extra score for the winner
LADDER_LOSE_MIN_ON_LOAD Minimum of you ladder score lost on each load
LADDER_LOSE_PERCENT_ON_LOAD Percentage of your ladder score lost on each load
LADDER_TAX Percentage of the ladder pot the IRS takes
LADDER_PERCENT_BET Percentage of your score you put in the ladder pot
LADDER_MIN_BET Minimum score you put in the ladder pot
TALK_TO_MASTER Announce this server on the internet?
SP_EXPLOSION_RADIUS Blast radius of the cycle explosions
SP_WALLS_LENGTH Length of the cycle walls in meters; negative values will make the walls infinite.
SP_WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAY Number of seconds the walls stay up after a player died; negative values will keep them up forever.
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUIT Balance teams on player quit?
SP_TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS Balance teams with AI players?
SP_TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE_PERM Maximum allowed permanent team imbalance
SP_TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE Maximum allowed temporary team imbalance
SP_TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS Maximum number of players per team
SP_TEAM_MIN_PLAYERS Minimum number of players per team
SP_TEAMS_MAX Maximum number of teams
SP_TEAMS_MIN Minimum number of teams
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATH Minimum number of seconds since the last death before the instant win zone is activated
SP_WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME Minimum number of seconds the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated
SP_FINISH_TYPE What happens when the last human is dead?
SP_GAME_TYPE Type of game played
SP_SIZE_FACTOR Arena size modifier
SP_SPEED_FACTOR Speed modifier for the cycles
SP_AUTO_IQ Automatically adjust AI IQ?
SP_AUTO_AIS Automatically spawn AI players?
SP_AI_IQ IQ of the AI opponents
SP_MIN_PLAYERS Minimum number of players
SP_NUM_AIS Number of AI players
SP_LIMIT_SCORE End the match when a player reaches this score
SP_LIMIT_ROUNDS End the match after this number of rounds
SP_LIMIT_TIME End the match after this number of minutes
SP_SCORE_WIN You get this when you win a round in the single player highscore hunt
EXPLOSION_RADIUS Blast radius of the cycle explosions
WALLS_LENGTH Length of the cycle walls in meters; negative values will make the walls infinite.
WALLS_STAY_UP_DELAY Number of seconds the walls stay up after a player died; negative values will keep them up forever.
TEAM_BALANCE_ON_QUIT Balance teams on player quit?
TEAM_BALANCE_WITH_AIS Balance teams with AI players?
TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE_PERM Maximum allowed permanent team imbalance
TEAM_MAX_IMBALANCE Maximum allowed temporary team imbalance
TEAM_MAX_PLAYERS Maximum number of players per team
TEAM_MIN_PLAYERS Minimum number of players per team
TEAMS_MAX Maximum number of teams
TEAMS_MIN Minimum number of teams
WIN_ZONE_MIN_LAST_DEATH Minimum number of seconds since the last death before the instant win zone is activated
WIN_ZONE_MIN_ROUND_TIME Minimum number of seconds the round has to be going on before the instant win zone is activated
FINISH_TYPE What happens when the last human is dead?
GAME_TYPE Type of game played
SIZE_FACTOR Arena size modifier
SPEED_FACTOR Speed modifier for the cycles
AUTO_IQ Automatically adjust AI IQ?
AUTO_AIS Automatically spawn AI players?
AI_IQ IQ of the AI opponents
MIN_PLAYERS Minimum number of players
NUM_AIS Number of AI players
LIMIT_SCORE End the match when a player reaches this score
LIMIT_ROUNDS End the match after this number of rounds
LIMIT_TIME End the match after this number of minutes
SCORE_WIN What you get for winning a round
DEDICATED_IDLE after running this time (in hours), the dedicated server takes the next chance to quit.
MOVIEPACK Use the moviepack if available
ZTRICK Performance tweak; does not work on most Windows systems
MOUSE_GRAB Grab the mouse pointer, so it can't leave the window
REAL_ARENA_SIZE_FACTOR The currently active arena size. Leave it alone; change size_factor instead.
WRAP_MENU If set, you leave a menu to the top and reenter it at the bottom.
SPARKS Draw sparks when going too close to a wall
TEXTURES_HI Use high color textures
PREDICT_OBJECTS predict cycle movement in network play
LAG_O_METER Draw Lag-O-Meter in network play
INFINITY_PLANE Use infinite points (Does not work properly on most Windows systems)
SKY_WOBBLE Sky animation
LOWER_SKY Draw lower sky plane
UPPER_SKY Draw upper sky plane
DITHER Use dithering
HIGH_RIM Draw high rim walls
FLOOR_DETAIL Floor detail settings
FLOOR_MIRROR Floor mirror mode
SHOW_FPS Enable fps display
TEXT_OUT Enable console text output
SMOOTH_SHADING Enable smooth shading
ALPHA_BLEND Enable alpha blending
PERSP_CORRECT Enable perspective correction
POLY_ANTIALIAS Enable polygon antialiasing
LINE_ANTIALIAS Enable line antialiasing
MESSAGE_OF_DAY_4 Message sent to clients
MESSAGE_OF_DAY_3 Message sent to clients
MESSAGE_OF_DAY_2 Message sent to clients
MESSAGE_OF_DAY_1 Message sent to clients
GL_VENDOR OpenGL system information
GL_RENDERER OpenGL system information
GL_VERSION OpenGL system information
GL_EXTENSIONS OpenGL system information
TEXTURE_MODE_2 Object Textures:
TEXTURE_MODE_1 Wall Textures:
TEXTURE_MODE_0 Floor Texture:
LANGUAGE_SECOND fallback language if the first language is not available
LANGUAGE_FIRST the language Armagetron will use
WIN_ZONE_INITIAL_SIZE win_zone_initial_size_help
WIN_ZONE_EXPANSION Expansion speed of the instant win zone
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_PITCH Position of the custom camera: how much does it look up/down?
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_RISE Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle?
CAMERA_SERVER_CUSTOM_BACK Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle?
CAMERA_CUSTOM_PITCH Position of the custom camera: how much does it look up/down?
CAMERA_CUSTOM_RISE Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved up from the cycle?
CAMERA_CUSTOM_BACK Position of the custom camera: how much is it moved back from the cycle?
CAMERA_FREE_START_Z Start position of the free camera
CAMERA_SMART_START_Z Start position of the smart camera
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_Z Start position of the fixed external camera
CAMERA_FREE_START_Y Start position of the free camera
CAMERA_SMART_START_Y Start position of the smart camera
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_Y Start position of the fixed external camera
CAMERA_FREE_START_X Start position of the free camera
CAMERA_SMART_START_X Start position of the smart camera
CAMERA_FOLLOW_START_X Start position of the fixed external camera
CAMERA_FORBID_FOLLOW Forbids the use of the fixed external camera on all clients
CAMERA_FORBID_FREE Forbids the use of the free camera on all clients
CAMERA_FORBID_SERVER_CUSTOM camera_forbid_server_custom_help
CAMERA_FORBID_CUSTOM Forbids the use of the custom camera on all clients
CAMERA_FORBID_IN Forbids the use of the internal camera on all clients
CAMERA_FORBID_SMART Forbids the use of the internal camera on all clients
FLOOR_MIRROR_INT Intensity of the floor mirror effect
NEW_TEAM_ALLOWED Is it currently allowed to create a new team?
URL HTTP url assiciated with a server
KICK Kicks the specified player from the server
SILENCE_ALL if set to 1, all chat messages will be omitted.
PASSWORD_STORAGE Determines where your passwords are stored: 1 means on harddisk (dangerous), 0 in memory and -1 means they are not stored at all.
PASSWORD password setting
SOUND_SOURCES number of sound sources to be heard at the same time
SOUND_QUALITY sound quality 0=off, 3=high
SOUND_BUFFER_SHIFT Buffer size multiplier
MIN_VOTERS number of voters that need to be online to enable voting.
ALLOW_VOTING if set to 1, voting will be allowed.
VOTING_DECAY one non-voter is ignored everytime this many secons pass
VOTING_START_DECAY number of seconds after that the non-voters start to get ignored.
VOTING_TIMEOUT votes older than this time out and are rejected.
CENTER_MESSAGE Prints a big message on the screen of all connected clients
CONSOLE_MESSAGE Prints a message on the console of all connected clients
MAX_CLIENTS Maximum number of network clients to accept
NEW_FEATURE_DELAY Disable features that only came in during the last X protocol versions.
BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY Maximum number of old protocol versions to support.
CLIENT_PORT Port we try to connect to
SERVER_PORT Port this server listens on
SERVER_NAME Name of this server
BIG_BROTHER Did we already send the big brother information?
SPAM_MAXLEN maximal length of chat message.
SPAM_AUTOKICK spam score that causes you to get kicked instantly.
SPAM_PENALTY number of seconds to silence a spammer.
SPAM_PROTECTION harshness of spam protection; determines min delay between chat messages accepted.
KEYBOARD keyboard settings
COLOR_STRINGS Print colored strings
USE_DISPLAYLISTS use display lists for rendering the cycles?
SOFTWARE_RENDERER Is the OpenGL renderer not hadware accelerated?
FAILED_ATTEMPTS Number of failed attemts to initialize graphics mode
LAST_CHECK_ERRORS listen to errors claiming a video mode does not exist, last successful init
CHECK_ERRORS listen to errors claiming a video mode does not exist
LAST_ZDEPTH z buffer depth, last successful init
ZDEPTH z buffer depth to use (0: 16 1: from color depth 2: 32)
LAST_COLORDEPTH color depth, last successful init
COLORDEPTH color depth to use (0: 16 1: desktop 2: 24)
LAST_FULLSCREEN fullscreen or windowed mode, last successful init
FULLSCREEN fullscreen or windowed mode?
ARMAGETRON_LAST_SCREENMODE last screen resolution
CUSTOM_SCREEN_ASPECT Custom screen aspect ratio ( pixel width/pixel height)
CUSTOM_SCREEN_WIDTH Custom screen size
CUSTOM_SCREEN_HEIGHT Custom screen size
VIEWPORT_CONF Viewport configuration; decides how many players can play on this computer
INCLUDE includes the following file
FIRST_USE is this the first time you use Armagetron?
Moderatoren: co-admin, Global Moderator
- hslan.Mani
- Global Moderator
- Beiträge: 2624
- Registriert: 06 Jun 2007, 22:32
Hi Ric. Schön Dich im Forum zu begrüssen. Von Deinem Posting habe ich Null verstanden.
Aber egal.
Aber egal.
Wo eine Axt ist, ist auch ein Weg.
Die Bundeswehr wird versuchen, den Feind solange aufzuhalten, bis eine Armee eintrifft.
Die Bundeswehr wird versuchen, den Feind solange aufzuhalten, bis eine Armee eintrifft.
Ich hab's ja schon immer gesagt.
ric, egal was Du nimmst.
Es ist zuviel !!!!!!
ric, egal was Du nimmst.
Es ist zuviel !!!!!!
Danke Mani. Aber halb so wild - einfach mal anzocken und dann wird sicher einiges klar. (Das Posting ist am Morgen + Sonntags entstanden !! also bitte ein wenig Nachsicht)
@ Lotte : komisch, genau das Gleiche hat mein Arzt gesagt...
@ Lotte : komisch, genau das Gleiche hat mein Arzt gesagt...