Some clarify about rules of baseraping

Forgotten Hope

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Some clarify about rules of baseraping

Beitrag von ajappat »


Sometimes on some maps it's bit confusing what is allowed and what's not. For example, today on Totalize: We played on axis and we had all flags so it was only defending.

1. My friend was on purple spot with tiger and made sure not to shoot anyone beyond ABC line, avoiding to be a "base raper". Still some people started to rant how he was raping their base and he had to back off.

2. Another situation on same map at same time. My other friend and me were patrolling around blue area on map. We didn't shoot anyone to their spawn and everyone who spawned had fair chance to go other way and go around us, or have fair fight against us, with obivious disadvantage of being attacker. But then Humbug started threaten my friend that he should not be at their BASE? Well we backed off and didn't start fight in gamechat, but seriusly since when have that forward spawn being canuk base? And even more fun was that at same time we were defending near that spawn, our wirbelwind was shooting continuously directly to that spawn from windmill, killing people at very second they spawned, but no one said anything to him  :0l:.


So long story short. What is function of ABC line? Is it showing where germans can go or is it magical line that should protect those poor canuks from shots that come further away?
And is that forward spawn base or not? If it is, it feels bit weird that it is allowed to go around it but not come too close  :0o:.

And this was nothing personal humbug, I'm just cofused what is your line with this thing?

Edit: I shall use this topic for other similar situations in future  :0f:.
Zuletzt geändert von ajappat am 30 Mär 2010, 22:57, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Re: Some clarify about rules of baseraping

Beitrag von Faust »

the ABC-code has nothing to with our serverrule concerning mainbasecamping.

only the base and its immediate surroundings are protected from attacks done by groundtroops by the rule. the rest of the area protected by the ABC-code is simply an area which the enemies goundforces cant enter, but which can be attacked.
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Re: Some clarify about rules of baseraping

Beitrag von totaler_humbug »

ajappat hat geschrieben: 2. Another situation on same map at same time. My other friend and me were patrolling around blue area on map. We didn't shoot anyone to their spawn and everyone who spawned had fair chance to go other way and go around us, or have fair fight against us, with obivious disadvantage of being attacker. But then Humbug started threaten my friend that he should not be at their BASE? Well we backed off and didn't start fight in gamechat, but seriusly since when have that forward spawn being canuk base? And even more fun was that at same time we were defending near that spawn, our wirbelwind was shooting continuously directly to that spawn from windmill, killing people at very second they spawned, but no one said anything to him  :0l:.
Oh, that must be a long time. Because I can´t remember well. But to clearify: All spawnpoints, which will NEVER(!!!) be capturable are considered as mainbases, theirfore a no-go area (also like on Lebisey and Mareth). I know that there are allways people wo don´t care for that rule, but sadly we can´t be everywhere at everytime so me might miss some incidents. Atleast when I see some misbehaviour, I try to solve the situation, independent from the team I belong to.
And this was nothing personal humbug, I'm just cofused what is your line with this thing?
No problem, didn´t understood it as something personal, allways your right to ask
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Re: Some clarify about rules of baseraping

Beitrag von Faust »

reading humbugs post i have to specify my earlier judgement:

the uncapturable mainbase rule does include uncapturable extra-spawnpoints without an actual flag.

we already had that discussion concerning axis spawnpoints on giarabub.
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Registriert: 10 Nov 2009, 22:51
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Re: Some clarify about rules of baseraping

Beitrag von ajappat »

we already had that discussion concerning axis spawnpoints on giarabub.
Maybe you mean allied spawn points :0g:

So, to be sure, in situation 1, there was nothing wrong? And situation 2, it indeed was baserape, even tough we didn't actually enter that base ( none of us ever went too close to those buildings), but just shooting everyone coming out from there is wrong?
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Re: Some clarify about rules of baseraping

Beitrag von Corvax »

You got the point, yes. Everything too close to spawnpoints linked to non-capturable bases is a no-go (no-shoot in this case) area. Putting the Tiger on the road is no problem, but patrolling near spawnpoints and shooting everyone spawning there (even if its not directly after spawning) is not allowed.
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Re: Some clarify about rules of baseraping

Beitrag von magnus »

Bad map design, uncap forward spawnpoints should always be within an abc area like with the Falaise Pocket map.
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Re: Some clarify about rules of baseraping

Beitrag von THeTAO »

What do you expect? totalize is a map technicaly made by EA
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Re: Some clarify about rules of baseraping

Beitrag von »

Hi guys,

I have a question surrounding this topic about Operation Totalize:
From what point is it fair to shoot the Tiger coming out of the southeastern base?

The typical situation is the following:
If you move the Achilles beyond the river to the southeast, for example to attack the nebelwerfer flag, you soon come to a situation where the Tiger can shoot you from inside the red line.

So if you really wait for the Tiger to cross the line, you die first.  :0o:
How strictly do the rules apply in this case?

Thank you!
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Registriert: 22 Mai 2009, 22:18
Wohnort: Northern Germany

Re: Some clarify about rules of baseraping

Beitrag von totaler_humbug »

Hard situation, were I can give no clear answer. It´s the same problem with Villers and other maps.

I generally try to avoid such situations.