Impression of tonight ... Kick Siege of Tobruk

Forgotten Hope

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Registriert: 19 Jul 2010, 22:19

Re: Impression of tonight ... Kick Siege of Tobruk

Beitrag von [QPS]_Sex_Bomb »

Port en Bessin 32 is a waste of everyones playing time on a 64 server, take it out of rotation, bitte.   :0m:

Its the 16 players version, not 32, and yeah, this map is way too small for 64 players.
Zuletzt geändert von [QPS]_Sex_Bomb am 26 Jul 2010, 17:00, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 39
Registriert: 21 Feb 2009, 16:46
Wohnort: Cymru

Re: Impression of tonight ... Kick Siege of Tobruk

Beitrag von Capten_C »

I don't know what happened last night but Kudos to the hslaner who put all the tiny 16 player maps in, it was a nice change, you should have a small map evening once a month!  :0b: the sincerest form of flattery!
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 03 Aug 2010, 15:33

Re: Impression of tonight ... Kick Siege of Tobruk

Beitrag von AbuzerNL-Rotterdam »

Yeah, I was also attending the server that night. Great to play so many 16 and 32p versions of maps, some I never played before!

Also, it kept the game interesting and fun at a late hour, nothing as killing for the playercount when Cobra or Totalize pops up in the middle of the night.