Anyone know how to create a linux server?
My clan actually has a ded box running Project reality mod. We want to raise a server in our free time to discontract but i am not being able to do so.
I've tried to start with: ./ +modPath mods/fh2 but it comes back to the sh console. it doesnot start. i have tried to do an second isntalattion of bf2 at another directory with fh2 but the same problem occcour.
we are running at an centos box. yes! i have looked for a config too to edit ip and if punk buster is enabled, if it has voip and aetc but i founded any file configuration too.please help!
FH2 Linux Server
Moderatoren: co-admin, Global Moderator
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- Beiträge: 1
- Registriert: 18 Aug 2010, 16:34
FH2 Linux Server
Zuletzt geändert von thuliomoura am 18 Aug 2010, 16:43, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Re: FH2 Linux Server
Most important, install BF2CC and make it run in daemon mode. You need mono in specific version installed on your system - others won't work. Google for BF2CC and you will find tutorials. When you have specific questions, post here again.