Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer

von Cin3k33
13 Mai 2010, 16:00
Forum: Sonstiges
Thema: a bored beaver
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 3955

Re: a bored beaver

Beaver has died.
von Cin3k33
08 Aug 2009, 21:01
Forum: Support
Thema: High ping
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 4372

Re: High ping

Mati did it all day yesterday and all day before yesterday, found nothing.
von Cin3k33
08 Aug 2009, 13:02
Forum: Support
Thema: High ping
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 4372

Re: High ping

I use local provider and my ping is always 35-40.
I don`t know what do do with this "Neostrada". Sith...

Ok, thx for trying help them  :0h:
von Cin3k33
07 Aug 2009, 19:46
Forum: Support
Thema: High ping
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 4372

Re: High ping

But i don`t think this is problem from their provider, in other servers everything is going ok.
I don`t want you to change settings, I just ask did you changed anything wich can unstabilize their ping.

This is really annoing to play with 200pingers because other players have higher ping too.
von Cin3k33
07 Aug 2009, 19:09
Forum: Support
Thema: High ping
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 4372

High ping

Hallo My friends from Poland are using "Neostrada" for connecting with Internet. This is the biggest telephone and internet provider in Poland ~50% of internet users use Neostrada. (I use local provider) On tuesday while playing Bardia about 16:00 suddenly every one who use Neostrada [Paythoss, Mati...