Die Suche ergab 111 Treffer

von M00SE
02 Jan 2012, 06:30
Forum: Aktuelles
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 5520


I've always got the christmas spirit, I'm like this all year, it never leaves me.  :0m:
von M00SE
24 Dez 2011, 02:25
Forum: Aktuelles
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 5520


Your Christmas Amnesty is a great sentiment in theory Catwisel. But in practice I think it is all wasted on most of these nobs. For one, SHOTBLAST(CAN) will only cause trouble again guaranteed if you let him back in. He has had 2 month long bans already from 762, and a couple of weeks ago he was ban...
von M00SE
18 Nov 2011, 20:06
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: make pure admin!
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2818

Re: make pure admin!

im lost in skyrim....no time for fh2 besides betatesting.

Beaver kills yet another conversion... :0f:

things are quite again for sure, there is a lot to contention atm with all the new releases out, but yeah, some more admins around would be cool.  :0m:
von M00SE
17 Aug 2011, 04:00
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: HSLAN Server (Battlerecorder)
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 2532

Re: HSLAN Server (Battlerecorder)

Ok mate... no problems at all.  :0m:

von M00SE
16 Aug 2011, 03:52
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: HSLAN Server (Battlerecorder)
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 2532

Re: HSLAN Server (Battlerecorder)

whats the situation with the BR guys...

Has it been running at all lately, particulalry yesterday is what I am after ?  (mon 16/08)

von M00SE
24 Apr 2011, 21:49
Forum: Sonstiges
Thema: a joke? no! its real!
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 3400

Re: a joke? no! its real!

lolz...somebody got it seriously wrong  :0b:
von M00SE
24 Apr 2011, 15:24
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: server needs a retsart
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 2231

Re: server needs a retsart

thanks for fixing so quickly Doopie  :0m:
von M00SE
22 Apr 2011, 23:04
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: [FH2] mit 128 Spielern!
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 6617

Re: [FH2] mit 128 Spielern!

I'm not sure that it was a success though, i looked an hour later and it was back down to 116 players so don't get to excited just yet
von M00SE
22 Apr 2011, 21:29
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: server needs a retsart
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 2231

server needs a retsart

The seems to be a bug in the server that makes everyones Prone function not work properly.

It was like it last week, and I have just joined now to find the same problem.........

please restart the server guys

von M00SE
22 Apr 2011, 21:28
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: [FH2] mit 128 Spielern!
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 6617

Re: [FH2] mit 128 Spielern!

Last night i saw them testing 250 players on the PR server

there was 195 in the server when i checked  :0b:
von M00SE
23 Mär 2011, 18:30
Forum: Andere Spiele
Thema: Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad
Antworten: 98
Zugriffe: 54037

Re: Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad

Those last 2 vids look pretty damn good to me. Lots of decent features it would seem.

Whats the chances of hslan openeing a RO server in the future....any or non whatsoever ?  :0b:


Too bad for you then Moose  :0f:.

von M00SE
18 Feb 2011, 20:50
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: the FH Server
Antworten: 31
Zugriffe: 14188

Re: the FH Server

good damn censorship!
von M00SE
18 Feb 2011, 19:04
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: the FH Server
Antworten: 31
Zugriffe: 14188

Re: the FH Server

Sidi rocks, just as most of the desert maps do... the problem that exsists is the player base imo it just seems like they all want CoD style action from FH instead of going and playing CoD  :0j: I'm sick of listening to whingers in the server harping on about how s***t this or that map is all the fr...
von M00SE
29 Jan 2011, 02:30
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: K33NY
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 7968

Re: K33NY

Fair enough then....

still beat him up though ..... someone has to pay  :0f:
von M00SE
28 Jan 2011, 23:01
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: K33NY
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 7968

Re: K33NY

I agree with what you are saying but it will make things hard imo.

The server is already quite most days and I just don't think that a lot of players visit this or the FH2 forum very much.