Die Suche ergab 11 Treffer

von CologneSky2
23 Jul 2012, 23:47
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: Server hslan 2.45
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 7348

Re: Server hslan 2.45

Hello, anyone here?!?

The server is still not being tracked by the awards server. Are you not planning to fix this?
von CologneSky2
21 Jul 2012, 15:16
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: Server hslan 2.45
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 7348

Re: Server hslan 2.45

New maplist looked OK as far as I could see, but awards aren't working properly.

Yes, I can confirm.

Although you said, you applied the bugfix, hslan rounds are not tracked by awards. Other servers are (vbios and waw).
von CologneSky2
22 Mai 2012, 19:55
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: CologneSky
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 4518

Re: CologneSky

Hi, just saw this thread. It is soo absurd that I will refrain from an extensive comment. Just so much: Obviously someone (..) got frightend and thought "offense is the best defense".. I actually thought of reporting Mobilis, but as the community is shrinking ever more and he - altough playing like ...
von CologneSky2
08 Mai 2012, 23:06
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: How to make more people find your FH2 server?
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2681

Re: How to make more people find your FH2 server?

actually it covers all "ranked" servers, so basically all besides 762..
von CologneSky2
20 Apr 2012, 11:22
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: 16 and 32 player version of maps..
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 5050

16 and 32 player version of maps..

Heya, just played on WaW yesterday evening/today morning on the smaller versions of some of the known maps. Must say they play quite well (even with more players than intended) and offer nice variety to the so-often-played 64player versions. For instance Sidi Rezegh on the 16player version (maybe it...
von CologneSky2
02 Apr 2012, 22:57
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: Comander on/off "exploit"
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 1434

Comander on/off "exploit"

Heya, just wanted to start a general discussion about a so-called exploit. What do you think about commander switching on/off in order to get kill scores for field arti kills. I have seen this so often (was always wondering why one always sees the "commander in on duty" message), so today I decided ...
von CologneSky2
18 Mär 2012, 12:29
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: Map rotation changed?
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 2665

Map rotation changed?


it seems as if the map rotation has been changed and the maplist shortened quite a bit? Any specific reason? Now maps such as Bardia are missing. And Tunis (I know it is horribly inbalanced but can be fun nevertheless..)

von CologneSky2
17 Mär 2012, 15:15
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: CologneSky attack uncaps
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 3250

Re: CologneSky attack uncaps

Just saw this and thought it was appropriate to reply. Yes, I did kill you with the sniper and you were in uncap. So technically I was doing wrong. The situation, however, was as following. I was laying mines at the pathway leading from your base to to Widerstand56. I did not enter ABC line. The "fr...
von CologneSky2
13 Mär 2012, 23:42
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: Server instability?
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 2647

Server instability?

Hi, just noticed that the server seems to crash quite often recently. Anyone else noticing this as well? Anyhow, after crash typically the server does not fill up properly anymore (well if the crash is after 10pm). Tonight for instance, server crashed at around 11pm and now it is virtually dead with...
von CologneSky2
13 Mär 2012, 23:40
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: Auto kick for high ping?
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 3875

Re: Auto kick for high ping?

does high ping of single player affect the gaming experience of other players? if not then one should not kick themn.
However, if this leads to lag for other players or other instability then I think we should leave it the way it is.