Die Suche ergab 12 Treffer

von TaeK
28 Apr 2011, 18:35
Forum: Battlefield
Thema: Battlefield 3 Debut teaser
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 8676

Re: Battlefield 3 Debut teaser

the trailers look awsome, I am really curious what this will turn into  :0n:
von TaeK
08 Apr 2011, 20:23
Forum: Support
Thema: humbug does NOT need you this time, but teak does
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 6202

Re: humbug does NOT need you this time, but teak does

well specifically I was looking at the TS numbers and 30 gig in 90 days means about 10 gig per month and that is not too much! but ill see. and about the higher numbers with new patches or something .. I can understand that !
von TaeK
05 Apr 2011, 18:28
Forum: Support
Thema: humbug does NOT need you this time, but teak does
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 6202

Re: humbug does NOT need you this time, but teak does

Awsome thanks ...
those numbers are a lot lower than I expected .. thanks a million for your reply!!  :0c:
von TaeK
04 Apr 2011, 22:15
Forum: Support
Thema: humbug does NOT need you this time, but teak does
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 6202

Re: humbug does NOT need you this time, but teak does

well I wanted to know how much datatraffic your TS uses?
if you dont know .. I wanted to know how much your server uses in total (EOD + FH + TS + website)

so 1 Tb or 15 TB .. how much data traffic does it burn per month
von TaeK
04 Apr 2011, 18:30
Forum: Support
Thema: humbug does NOT need you this time, but teak does
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 6202

humbug does NOT need you this time, but teak does

Hello server admins :) I have a question, what is the bandwidth usage of the server you use for the forum & TS. I understood that you host your HF and EOd servers on the same hardware / VPS but I was wondering if you know separate stats. Reason for asking: i'm currently paying for a TS server of my ...
von TaeK
02 Apr 2011, 08:52
Forum: Sonstiges
Thema: Tank movies
Antworten: 28
Zugriffe: 9266

Re: Tank movies

There are some awsome movies in here!

Also this one is footage of the infamous german captured T34 beiing dragged from the swamp.
it does not drive itself but its cool to see anyway.
von TaeK
30 Mär 2011, 20:31
Forum: Aktuelles
Thema: New member
Antworten: 20
Zugriffe: 12875

Re: New member

\o/ hello all, thanks for the welcome. Looong trial period, and still looking for the corners of your forumz where I can dump my stufz but I think ill be spamming your offtopic forumz with loads of humor, funny pics and silly movies ... I also have stuff to say about other games, but i already saw t...
von TaeK
25 Mär 2011, 15:08
Forum: Join us
Thema: TaeK
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9916

Re: TaeK

:blabla: 3 ... moooorrrreeee ... dddaaayyyyssss ...  :wabbel:
von TaeK
23 Mär 2011, 11:19
Forum: Join us
Thema: TaeK
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9916

Re: TaeK

You made me laugh there jhonny ! and it's Russian blood, not viking blood :)..
I'm the stereotypical dutchie, German wife, Dutch Russian, Indonesian and German heritage... Multi cultural by genetics :)
von TaeK
22 Mär 2011, 20:03
Forum: Join us
Thema: TaeK
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9916

Re: TaeK

Are you that tall, or is your wife that tiny?
BOTH  :smilie120:
von TaeK
21 Mär 2011, 20:21
Forum: Join us
Thema: TaeK
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9916

Re: TaeK

Thanks .. so I have to wait a whole week ... :arbeit:

ow and about the TS .. yes I enjoy lurking there a lot .. I have ma own TS server too but spend most time on yours :)
von TaeK
21 Mär 2011, 20:01
Forum: Join us
Thema: TaeK
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 9916


Hi Guys, I would like to join your "Haufen" and this is my official application. My name is Robert Liebregts aka TaeK , a 32 year old (from the 20th of august ) Dutchie (yes they are everywhere) and I have been playing World Of Tanks with some of you guys for some time now. I am a mechanical enginee...