Die Suche ergab 10 Treffer
- 04 Okt 2011, 19:12
- Forum: Aktuelles
- Thema: FH2 Map Cycle
- Antworten: 9
- Zugriffe: 6167
Re: FH2 Map Cycle
if you are according to my post in my topic about maplist. I said that you need a mixed maplist, and then change some not too popular maps every week, you have [1- X Maps] that stay, and in addition you have [ A B C D ] Maps that are changed every week. not to change the whole maplist every week. [u...
- 14 Sep 2011, 16:28
- Forum: Forgotten Hope
- Thema: Maplist & Admins
- Antworten: 6
- Zugriffe: 4464
Re: Maplist & Admins
But a bad desert map in the evening is killed the server. Bulge map 64 ppl, next map Mersa MAtruh 40 ppl and more leaving during the round. Maybe the maplist can be made shorter, according to the votes at mainforum, and some maps can be replaced everyweek with others. So we have the best maps as reg...
- 14 Sep 2011, 14:00
- Forum: Forgotten Hope
- Thema: Maplist & Admins
- Antworten: 6
- Zugriffe: 4464
Maplist & Admins
Hello everybody. In the last time the server is not as populated as it should be. I think one reason is the maplist and the missing of admins. Lets first talk about the maplist. Imo its too long, featirng too many maps that are not populated enough to be inside. According to this pool http://fhpubfo...
- 29 Jan 2011, 15:02
- Forum: Forgotten Hope
- Thema: !!! Ingame Voip down !!!!
- Antworten: 3
- Zugriffe: 1932
Re: !!! Ingame Voip down !!!!
das is wegen dam hacker laut simpsons gestern am server
- 28 Jan 2011, 21:49
- Forum: Forgotten Hope
- Thema: K33NY
- Antworten: 15
- Zugriffe: 8318
Re: K33NY
moose: but this kills the server now too. cause its crashing the full game. and I'm not sure if I'm then secure of my hash and ip when this guy can doo such things
- 28 Jan 2011, 19:37
- Forum: Forgotten Hope
- Thema: K33NY
- Antworten: 15
- Zugriffe: 8318
Re: K33NY
give the server a password which can be requested from FH forum per PN and with IP address? ?
- 11 Jan 2011, 20:01
- Forum: Forgotten Hope
- Thema: tk for plane
- Antworten: 1
- Zugriffe: 1571
tk for plane
this guy is teamkilling / or forcing tk for planes
20:00 severtime

20:00 severtime

- 10 Jan 2011, 08:27
- Forum: Forgotten Hope
- Thema: Player 1. Div XXXX
- Antworten: 3
- Zugriffe: 2397
Player 1. Div XXXX
morgen der Typ tummelte sich gestern auf eurem Server herum.


- 13 Dez 2010, 18:00
- Forum: Forgotten Hope
- Thema: Irish reloaded
- Antworten: 9
- Zugriffe: 4734
Re: Irish reloaded
aber in zukunft werd ich mich vom chat fernhalten , ....
- 13 Dez 2010, 17:58
- Forum: Forgotten Hope
- Thema: Irish reloaded
- Antworten: 9
- Zugriffe: 4734
Re: Irish reloaded
also ich find das schon eine Frechheit von dir andi, dass du dich so aufspielst. 1) komm ich aufn server und das erste was ich von dir hör ist irg. beleidung gegen mich. Danach fangst du an spieler wie (FH) KeylsMummy "motherfuxker" zu schimpfen. Nächste runde war giarabub und du hast mich 4 mal hin...