Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer

von AbuzerNL-Rotterdam
18 Aug 2010, 03:21
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: Mapcycle
Antworten: 119
Zugriffe: 43835

Re: Mapcycle

Today, we substituted Mount Olympus with Crete in our mapcycle.

Brilliant! The system works  :0m:
von AbuzerNL-Rotterdam
10 Aug 2010, 04:03
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: Mapcycle
Antworten: 119
Zugriffe: 43835

Re: Mapcycle

I completely concur with QPS, again Olympus was on and it ruined player count.. Also, it sucks...

Having Invasion of Crete back would be brilliant, the same would be for some 32p versions of maps once in a while.
von AbuzerNL-Rotterdam
03 Aug 2010, 15:53
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: Mapcycle
Antworten: 119
Zugriffe: 43835

Re: Mapcycle

I have some opinions on the mapcycle, ofcourse, I'm an infantry man so thats my bias. - Less of Luttich, although awesome and a good combined arms map, its been played to death now. Sometimes its even played 5-6 times a night. - Totalize, Cobra, VillersBocage, Olympus and Mareth coming up shortly af...
von AbuzerNL-Rotterdam
03 Aug 2010, 15:45
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: Impression of tonight ... Kick Siege of Tobruk
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 7463

Re: Impression of tonight ... Kick Siege of Tobruk

Yeah, I was also attending the server that night. Great to play so many 16 and 32p versions of maps, some I never played before!

Also, it kept the game interesting and fun at a late hour, nothing as killing for the playercount when Cobra or Totalize pops up in the middle of the night.
von AbuzerNL-Rotterdam
03 Aug 2010, 15:42
Forum: Forgotten Hope
Thema: Introducing and thanking hslan
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 3568

Introducing and thanking hslan

Hey all! After a long time of refusing to acknowledge FH as an integral part of my life, I finally become more and more integrated in the FH community (the economic crisis and my subsequent unemployment helps as well  :0f:). Anyways, I'm playing FH since it's early days, using rather childish userna...